It is hard to believe it has been 20 years since America invaded Iraq to depose an evil dictator. On anniversaries like these, you can count on the pundits to recount all the failures of the U.S. military effort without ever acknowledging the immense good our servicemembers accomplished for the Iraqi people. Most of these “armchair generals” have never worn the uniform and have not set foot in the Middle East. For the media, denigrating the war effort, and indirectly the hundreds of thousands of Americans who served there, is great sport. As they did daily during the war the press will breathlessly report even the hint of U.S. failure while completely ignoring the major triumphs of allied forces that continue to reshape the lives of ordinary Iraqis.
So, what did America accomplish in Iraq?
- Freed the nation from a dictator so brutal he was willing to gas his own people
- Created a modern democratic system to govern Iraq
- Established an independent Judiciary.
- Modernized Iraq antiquated infrastructure, brought roads, water, and sanitation projects.
- Trained Iraq’s military and police forces.
- Improved the health care available to millions.
- Built schools and encouraged women to attend.
- In conjunction with Iraqi forces, destroyed ISIS and Al Qaeda in Iraq & Syria.
- Every American servicemember can be proud of their good works trying to help the Iraqi people. Every critic of the American effort owes these troops the gratitude they have earned.
Most importantly, we cannot use our experience in Iraq as an excuse to tolerate the bullies of the world. Right now, adversaries like Putin of Russia and Xi of China are testing America’s resolve to stay the course in Ukraine. Our enemies delight in media reports that disparage our military and will to fight.
Yes, America did not accomplish all our hopes and dreams in Iraq, but we must nevertheless recognize the sacrifice and accomplishments of American forces some twenty years on. It is far far more than any other nations does to make this world ad better place.
By Jim Spearing (SSG, Rt’d)
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