Watching the debt ceiling negotiations is the same as watching a drug intervention.
Getting a liberal to stop spending is like trying to pry a bottle out of an alcoholic's hands. Or take a needle away from a drug addict. They always want one more drink, one more bottle, one more fix, one more day. Then they'll stop. But not right now. Not today.
The national debt dilemma is a function of liberal addiction to appropriated money they think is free.
First, like a drug addict or alcoholic, they deny they even have a problem, both to themselves and their family.
It is your problem for having a problem with them. You're ridiculous. You're insulting. Your silly. It's your fault. They deny that it affects anybody around them. They deny it affects the family. They deny that it is destroying the family. Just leave them alone and everything will be fine.
In this case their national debt addiction has affected the entire American national family. And is now on the verge of destroying it.
Then, only after intervention by a greater force, will some recognize their problem and agree to deal with it. Some can break the addiction and change their ways. Some never can. And those who do live in a constant thirst under threat of relapse.
American leftists are so addicted to the free money they have been voting into their pockets, that they do not see the harm it is has done to the American national family.
And there is also wealth, position and power in being part of the supply chain feeding the habit of spending addicts. The liberal politicians are the enablers of vast numbers of users who freeload their habit out of their neighbors pockets. They might as well just drop the ruse and steal the money directly as do most addicts.
They will do anything to support their habit. And they cannot see any other manner of living, or way of life: There is nothing wrong with it. It is always somebody else's fault. The problem of “other.” The problem is not with them. The problem is with those who would deny them or stop them. They don't have a problem; you have a problem for having a problem with them. They just can't see it any other way.
The justifications they use to support their habit are endless. Their illogical arguments justifying it are manifold and they cannot see the forest for the trees or separate the truth from their fabrications. One can never reason an alcoholic or addict into a cure, and rarely into rehab. Attempts at logical argument run in circles. They can neither think nor act clearly, and are wholly dependent on a greater force to intervene and force them off their addiction.
It is a horrible and pathetic situation. It wastes the potential extant in a human life. And in the bankrupting of America, the harm they have done is about to waste the potential of millions of human lives. Absent intervention.
But prying free money away from a liberal is like trying the bottle out of the alcoholics -- it requires forceful intervention. It is based on power not persuasion. They will never give up their bottle without a fight. You care, about them and your family, you just have to rip the needle out of their arm. Only when they are clean and you begin to try and reason them toward a better future course.
So what the liberal politicians and their parasitic constituents cannot do for themselves, the stronger, wiser, larger more disciplined politicians and populace must do for them.
Regardless the confrontation, regardless the temporary damage to surroundings while the initial battle is fought get them under control, the intervention must be had. There may be a temporary cost, a temporary damage, but in the long run both the addicts and the national family will be far better off.
It is just that the national debt addicts and their enablers cannot see that now. They are in the midst of their spending addiction and cannot willingly give it up. They will make any excuse, advance any argument, issue any threat, and try anything to keep it going -- to get their hands on another shot of free money appropriated out of their neighbors’ pockets and handed over to them.
All of the signals from every source now indicate that now is the time to have the necessary intervention and confrontation in order to protect the national family against its impending destruction resultant of the debt addicts’ bad habits.
So what if interest rates related to the national debt addiction go up a few points for a few months. No pain no gain. Construction is always messy. America is still be the number one economic engine in the world. Once the economic mess is cleaned up, people are pride out of each other's pockets and off each other's backs, and our national house put back in proper economic order, we will attract long-term money and long-term low interest rates like a magnet. Debt ridden businesses always perform better after they clean up their act. And where else are people in the world going to go with their money? The EU? Europe's dysfunctional and filled with low-producing people because they waited too long to deal with their spending addicts. China, where you are murdered and your organs taken for communist leaders when it suits them and which like a communist structures will collapse at tremendous human cost after great human harm? Russia, still the celebrant of mass graves and old-world territorial conquest? The Middle East, Africa, South America? Not likely, for all the obvious reasons. Things are still happening here in America, more will be happening, and our laws and human judgment are usually the most stable. So we'll get it all back, only better.
Provided we and our politicians right now have the guts it takes to do the things to deserve it.
So tell them you expect them to do so.
Martin C. Boire
Martin C. Boire is just another American who is well-educated, been around, seen a lot, and done a lot.
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