Researchers from North Carolina State University have developed an array that assesses methylation levels of genes located in imprint control regions (ICRs) within the human genome. The array represents a cost-effective, efficient method for exploring potential links between environmental exposures and epigenetic dysregulation during the early developmental origins of diseases and behavioral disorders.
Read more …Array pinpoints imprinted genes with potential links to disease

Scientists have discovered that electrical currents may make Natural Killer (NK) cells -- our very own cancer-killing immune cells -- even better killers, which could have significant implications for treating some cancers. The scientists found that Tumour Treating Fields (TTF) in the laboratory (which mimic exposure of brain tumors to electric currents via a simple hat worn by patients) evoked an even more deadly response from NK cells. They hope their promising findings may open the door to new combined therapies for people living with certain brain tumors, such as glioblastoma.
Read more …Electrical currents may make body's cancer-killing cells even better killers

Hundreds of millions of people around the world[1] experience chronic pain [2] – meaning pain that lasts longer than three months[3]. While the numbers vary from country to country, most studies estimate that about 10% of the global population[4] is affected, so more than 800 million people.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that in 2021, about 20% of U.S. adults – or more than 50 million people...

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