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U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin was diagnosed with prostate cancer and underwent surgery in late December, which led to a secondary infection and his current hospitalization since Jan. 1 -- a series of serious health issues that remained undisclosed to the public, president and Congress until late last week, the Pentagon said Tuesday.

The information on Austin's ongoing medical issues was released by doctors at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Maryland, who said the defense secretary was diagnosed with prostate cancer in early December and "underwent a minimally invasive surgical procedure called a prostatectomy" on Dec. 22.

On Jan. 1, Austin, 70, developed severe abdominal, hip and leg pain, which led to another hospitalization and a diagnosis of a urinary tract infection and abdominal fluid that was impairing his small intestines, the statement from the doctors said.

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Overall, Austin's doctors said "his prostate cancer was detected early, and his prognosis is excellent." They also noted the infection that prompted his second hospitalization had cleared and said "he continues to make progress and we anticipate a full recovery, although this can be a slow process."

Austin and his staff did not notify the public or other key officials of either hospitalization until Friday, flouting convention and leaving the White House and Congress unaware that the Pentagon's top civilian leader was sidelined by serious medical issues.

After a weekend of speculation and revelations about how little top government officials knew about the status of a key cabinet secretary, Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder, the Pentagon's top spokesman, said that a series of issues and missteps -- including Austin's chief of staff coming down with the flu and his own failure to ask follow-up questions -- were to blame for the secrecy.

The lack of notification caused major political blowback -- including calls from some Republicans in Congress for Austin's resignation -- that the Pentagon was still wrestling with Tuesday.

Adding to the disclosure delays, John Kirby, the spokesperson for the White House's National Security Council, told reporters at a briefing Tuesday that President Joe Biden was unaware of Austin's cancer diagnosis until Tuesday morning -- even though the pair spoke over the weekend in a "good conversation on Saturday," according to Ryder.

However, Kirby was adamant that military operations were not impacted by Austin's hospitalizations and absence.

The statement from Walter Reed also offered more detail on the severity of Austin's medical issues throughout last week.

The fluid that collected in his abdomen "resulted in the backup of his intestinal contents, which was treated by placing a tube through his nose to drain his stomach," the statement said. It also noted that Austin "never lost consciousness and never underwent general anesthesia."

During his initial surgery for prostate cancer on Dec. 22, Austin was under general anesthesia, the doctors said in the statement. "Secretary Austin recovered uneventfully from his surgery and returned home the next morning," they said.

There has been no official explanation as to why Austin chose to not disclose his prostate cancer or the subsequent lack of communication by the Pentagon. But the defense secretary did say that he took "full responsibility for my decisions about disclosure." Broadly, though, prostate cancer is a diagnosis that many men feel reluctant to share.

Prostate cancer is the most frequently diagnosed malignancy in male U.S. military veterans, with 12,000 former service members affected each year. Roughly one in five veterans will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetimes, a rate twice that of the general population, according to Zero Prostate Cancer, a nonprofit organization that assists patients and families and advocates for research and treatments.

Austin spent 41 years in the Army[2] before his retirement in 2016 at the rank of general. In that time, he was not only recognized for his leadership of soldiers during some of the key moments of the Global War on Terror but he would go on to serve as the Army's second-highest ranking officer and the head of U.S. Central Command, which is responsible for all military operations in the Middle East and Afghanistan.

Some veterans have a higher risk of developing prostate cancer as a result of environmental exposures. The disease has been linked to exposure to defoliants used during the Vietnam War and tied to service as an aviator or member of a ground crew, although no definitive link to a substance such as jet fuel has been established.

Other risks for the development of prostate cancer include age -- the illness is most common in men over 65 -- and ethnicity, with Black Americans having the highest incidence rate of all ethnicities, as well as genetic anomalies, diet, smoking and other factors.

Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland, hosts the Defense Department's Prostate Center of Excellence, treating patients and conducting research to prevent or treat the life-threatening spread of the illness. The facility offers state-of-the-art treatment for prostate cancer including minimally invasive surgery, image-guided radiation therapy and radiation implants designed to destroy the cancer cells.

The cause of Austin's complications from the initial surgery in December that led to his readmission to Walter Reed was not immediately apparent from the information provided by his doctors.

Hospital readmission rates -- a metric often used to assess the quality of care at U.S. hospitals and clinics -- are not publicly released for Walter Reed, but the facility has consistently, since 2017, received high marks from the National Surgical Quality Improvement Program for complications related to surgery, noted as "exemplary" in 2022.

Infections are the top reason in the U.S. that patients are readmitted to the hospital following a surgery, as was the case with Austin.

According to data posted on the hospital's website, Walter Reed has performed consistently to national standards for central line-associated blood infections -- those caused when bacteria enter a patient's bloodstream via a required hospital device access point -- and catheter-associated urinary tract infections. However, in 2014 and 2015, it performed worse than the national benchmarks for the latter.

For outpatient elective surgery, Leapfrog, a nonprofit hospital watchdog organization, gave the hospital its top ratings for staffing such procedures but its lowest ratings for performing safe surgery checklists every time one is performed.

Related: Inside the Pentagon's Failure to Notify the White House, Congress of Defense Secretary's Hospitalization[3]

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Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin

WASHINGTON — The White House chief of staff on Tuesday ordered Cabinet members or secretaries to notify his office if they ever can't perform their duties, as the Biden administration, reeling from learning of Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin's surprise illness[1] last week, mounts a policy review.

Jeff Zients[2], in a memo to Cabinet secretaries[3], directed that they send the White House any existing procedures for delegating authority in the event of incapacitation or loss of communication by Friday. While the review is ongoing, he is requiring agencies to notify his office and the office of Cabinet affairs at the White House if an agency experiences or plans to experience a circumstance in which a Cabinet head can't perform their duties.

The memo comes after President Joe Biden and other top officials weren’t informed for days that Austin had been hospitalized[4] and had turned over power to his deputy. A Pentagon spokesman blamed the lapse on a key staffer being out sick with the flu.

“Agencies should ensure that delegations are issued when a Cabinet Member is traveling to areas with limited or no access to communication, undergoing hospitalization or a medical procedure requiring general anesthesia, or otherwise in a circumstance when he or she may be unreachable,” Zients' memo states. It also requires that agencies document when any such transfer of authorities occurs and that the person serving in the acting role promptly establish contact with relevant White House staff.

A copy of the memo was obtained by the Associated Press.

Austin[5], 70, went to the hospital on Dec. 22 for what the Pentagon press secretary called an “elective procedure” but one serious enough that Austin temporarily transferred some of his authorities to his deputy, without telling her or other U.S. leaders why. He went home the following day.

He also transferred some of his authorities to Deputy Defense Secretary Kathleen Hicks after experiencing severe pain and being taken back to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center by ambulance and put into intensive care on Jan. 1 — though Hicks was not told the reason for three days. The White House was not informed Austin was in the hospital until Jan. 4, and the public and Congress didn't learn of it until a day later.

The Pentagon[6] has announced its own internal review[7] and in a memo issued Monday broadened the circle of leaders who would be informed of any delegation of authorities by the defense secretary to ensure that, in the future, “proper and timely notification has been made to the President and White House and, as appropriate, the United States Congress and the American public.”

Going forward, any time authority is transferred a wider swath of officials will also be notified, to include the Pentagon’s general counsel, the chair and vice chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Combatant Commanders, service secretaries, the service chiefs of staff, the White House Situation Room, and the senior staff of the secretary and deputy secretary of defense.

© Copyright 2024 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin with Swedish Defense Minister Pal Jonson

The Pentagon on Monday attempted an explanation following its bombshell announcement late last week that Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin had been secretly hospitalized for days in the intensive care unit -- without the White House or Congress being notified.

Maj. Gen. Patrick Ryder, the Pentagon's top spokesman, in a public briefing that went for more than an hour, blamed a series of issues -- including Austin's chief of staff coming down with the flu and his own failure to follow up -- for the public and key government officials being unaware the defense secretary was sidelined at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Maryland.

Despite the Pentagon's explanation, it remained unclear exactly how or why Austin, a cabinet secretary and the civilian head of the military -- who was still hospitalized but back in control of the Pentagon on Monday, effectively hid a health emergency for nearly four days from not only President Joe Biden but also Congress and the American people.

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For any cabinet official, the White House chief of staff would typically be informed about their whereabouts and whether they may be out of reach for a period, said Peter Feaver, a professor and expert on civil-military relations at Duke University who was a White House adviser to former President George W. Bush.

Because the defense secretary is in the chain of command, there is usually even more care to ensure lines of communication aren't broken, he said.

Members of Congress demanded answers following the Pentagon announcement late Friday that Austin was hospitalized, and some Republicans called on him to resign, including former President Donald Trump, who is the front-runner for the party in the upcoming presidential election.

At the Monday briefing, Ryder said Austin was out of the intensive care unit and that "his prognosis is good." The defense secretary had received operational updates, including his presidential daily brief on Monday, he added.

Austin's health issue and the medical procedures he underwent beginning last month were not disclosed by the Pentagon.

The entire saga began Dec. 22 when Austin underwent "an elective medical procedure" at Walter Reed, Ryder told reporters. He said that he didn't have any more details on what the procedure was.

However, Ryder said that, during the initial procedure and a day-long hospital stay, Austin transferred "certain operational authorities" to Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks. He described that transfer as fairly common and something that can also occur when Austin plans to be in a location with little or no communication. Other authorities transfer automatically, he added.

As a result, Ryder said that it is also common for Hicks to receive such a transfer without knowing why and not think to ask more questions.

The situation escalated when, on the evening of Jan. 1, Austin began experiencing severe pain and was transported by ambulance back to Walter Reed, where he was admitted to the intensive care unit.

"He was conscious, but in quite a bit of pain," Ryder said.

Ryder said that Austin again transferred some of his authorities the next day to Hicks, who was vacationing in Puerto Rico, according to an NBC report[2]. At this point, the Pentagon's understanding of who was aware of Austin's condition becomes murky, but it's clear that at least some officials, in various positions of authority, started to learn of the hospitalization.

Austin's chief of staff, Kelly Magsamen[3], knew of his situation. However, she was out with the flu and, according to Ryder, this "caused a delay in these notifications."

While it appears that the authority to pass the news along was her responsibility, Magsamen wasn't the only one aware of Austin's condition. Ryder said that Austin's junior military aide met with him that day, suggesting his senior military adviser, Lt. General Ronald Clark[4], was also somewhat in the loop.

The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Charles "C.Q." Brown, was notified. Ryder also admitted to reporters that he and Chris Meagher, the assistant to the secretary for public affairs, knew their boss was in the hospital at this point, as well.

Ryder didn't answer a question about whether Magsamen's failure to pass on the message that Austin was in the ICU was because of her illness or because she was ordered to not do so.

In a statement released Saturday, Austin said that he was taking full responsibility for the "transparency issues."

Others, such as the Joints Chiefs chairman, may have felt that it wasn't their place to spread the news.

"I don't know that it's necessarily Gen. Brown's responsibility to notify the service departments -- he's an adviser to the secretary and the president," Ryder said.

Two days later, on Jan. 4, Magsamen finally notified Hicks and the White House -- specifically National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan -- that Austin was in the hospital.

Feaver, the Duke professor, said it's not unusual for the deputy defense secretary to receive little explanation for routine delegations of authority. But he said that a hospitalization should warrant more explanation.

Even if Austin wanted privacy, Feaver said, his staff should have pushed back.

"It was a baffling decision, based on what is publicly known right now, Monday afternoon, and raises questions about bad judgment or dubious staff work," Feaver said. "It's a chink in his armor in terms of presenting as a sure hand on the tiller."

It appears that the notification on Thursday finally triggered larger-scale action on the part of Pentagon officials. After learning that Austin was hospitalized, Hicks, along with Magsamen, "immediately engaged on the drafting of a public statement and congressional outreach," Ryder said.

It would be another day, Friday, before either Congress or the public would learn that Austin was in the hospital, finding out within hours of each other. The military heads of all the military services were also notified Friday, according to Ryder.

For his own part, Ryder said that, while he was aware of the hospitalization earlier than most, "I didn't feel at liberty at that stage to disclose that information" and he didn't ask any follow-up questions for his press briefing Thursday.

"In retrospect, I should have asked those hard questions and I should have pushed for an earlier public acknowledgment," Ryder conceded, before adding that he "will do better next time."

What also loomed large in the hourlong briefing is how many questions Ryder didn't or couldn't answer.

Left unanswered were questions about whether the White House knew about the original medical procedure in December; whether Austin or his wife told anyone to conceal the hospitalization; who at the White House normally needs to be notified of a secretary's inability to perform his duties; what Austin's staff was telling the White House about his schedule while he was in the ICU; how often Austin was unconscious; and whether the secretary could walk on Monday.

Ryder also couldn't immediately say whether there was a Defense Department instruction governing reporting requirements for such a scenario.

The Pentagon's failure to quickly notify the White House and Congress of Austin's hospitalization ignited a firestorm on Capitol Hill, where lawmakers are demanding answers about why they and top officials weren't informed of the situation sooner. With Ryder still unable to answer key questions Monday, it was unclear whether the department's cleanup effort would be enough to quell Congress.

"This concerning lack of transparency exemplifies a shocking lack of judgment and a significant national security threat," Rep. Elise Stefanik, R-N.Y., the fourth highest-ranking House Republican and a House Armed Services Committee member, said in a statement Monday. "There must be full accountability beginning with the immediate resignation of Secretary Austin and those that lied for him and a congressional investigation into this dangerous dereliction of duty."

GOP Reps. Jim Banks of Indiana and Rick Crawford of Arkansas, as well as Republican Sen. Tom Cotton of Arkansas, have also said Austin should resign or be fired.

Most lawmakers have not gone that far yet, but Republicans and Democrats alike expressed concerns about the lack of transparency and demanded an explanation.

"I remain concerned that vital chain-of-command and notification procedures were not followed while the secretary was under medical care," Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Jack Reed, D-R.I., said in a statement Monday. "He is taking responsibility for the situation, but this was a serious incident and there needs to be transparency and accountability from the department.

"This lack of disclosure must never happen again," Reed said. "I am tracking the situation closely, and the Department of Defense is well aware of my interest in any and all relevant information."

Reed and Austin spoke on the phone Sunday, Ryder told reporters Monday, though the spokesman could not answer who initiated the call.

Sen. Roger Wicker, R-Miss., the top Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee, in a statement Saturday suggested that a law requiring congressional notification in the event of an executive branch vacancy should have applied. Ryder on Monday said that the department was "considering the impact of any statutory reporting requirements and we'll provide updates as appropriate."

Rep. Michael Waltz, R-Fla., a former Green Beret who sits on the House Armed Services Committee, posed a series of questions on social media over the weekend, including what authorities were delegated, whether Hicks had authority in the nuclear chain of command, and whether combatant commanders and service secretaries knew of any change in the chain of command.

"I don't know whether it's more concerning that the chain of command literally didn't exist for multiple days or the White House apparently communicates so little with the Pentagon that nobody noticed the defense secretary missing at a time of two major wars!" Waltz posted on the social media site X.

The Pentagon now says that it has started a review -- run by Austin's office -- of how it could improve notification procedures, to include the White House and Congress.

"We need a new normal," Ryder said. "We're gonna go back and look at how this works to make sure that we're taking into account the situation, learning from it and doing better next time."

Despite the controversy, Austin's job appears safe. National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby told reporters Monday that "there is no plan for anything other than for Secretary Austin to stay in the job."

Related: The Pentagon Adds New Details about Austin's Secretive Hospital Stay and the Delay in Telling Biden[5]

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