Citrus trees showing natural tolerance to citrus greening disease host bacteria that produce novel antimicrobials that can be used to fight off the disease, our recent study shows[1]. We found the trees at an organic farm in Clermont, Florida.

Citrus greening disease – known more formally as Huanglongbing, or HLB[2], is caused by the...

Authors: Staff

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Out of 225 people awarded the Nobel Prize in physics[1], only five have been women. This is a very small number, and certainly smaller than 50% – the percent of women in the human population.

Despite several studies[2] exposing the barriers[3] for women in science and the many efforts[4] to increase their representation, physics continues...

Authors: Staff

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You can probably think of a time when you’ve used math to solve an everyday problem, such as calculating a tip at a restaurant or determining the square footage of a room. But what role does math play in solving complex problems such as curing a disease?

In my job as an applied mathematician[1], I use mathematical tools to study and...

Authors: Staff

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