Viruses are a mysterious and poorly understood force in microbial ecosystems. Researchers know they can infect, kill and manipulate human and bacterial cells in nearly every environment[1], from the oceans to your gut. But scientists don’t yet have a full picture of how viruses affect their surrounding environments in large part because of...

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Physicists consider black holes one of the most mysterious objects[1] that exist. Ironically, they’re also considered one of the simplest. For years, physicists like me[2] have been looking to prove that black holes are more complex than they seem. And a newly approved European space mission called LISA[3] will help us with this hunt.


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Many people understand the concept of bias at some intuitive level. In society, and in artificial intelligence systems, racial and gender biases[1] are well documented.

If society could somehow remove bias, would all problems go away? The late Nobel laureate Daniel Kahneman[2], who was a key figure in the field of behavioral economics, argued...

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You’ve likely heard that you can get iron from eating spinach and steak. You might also know that it’s an essential trace element[1] that is a major component of hemoglobin, a protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen from your lungs to all parts of the body.

A lesser known important function of iron is its involvement in ...

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