When a wild orangutan in Sumatra recently suffered a facial wound, apparently after fighting with another male, he did something that caught the attention of the scientists observing him.

The animal chewed the leaves of a liana vine[1] – a plant[2] not normally eaten by apes. Over several days, the orangutan carefully applied the juice to...

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The Philadelphia Inquirer recently investigated[1] Philadelphia’s use of what it described as a “little-scrutinized, 7,000-camera system that is exposing residents across the city to heightened surveillance with few rules or safeguards against abuse.” The article detailed how Philadelphia narcotics cops not only allegedly failed to disclose...

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Smartphone cameras have significantly improved in recent years. Computational photography and AI allow these devices to capture stunning images that can surpass what we see with the naked eye. Photos of the northern lights[1], or aurora borealis, provide one particularly striking example.

If you saw the northern lights during the geomagnetic...

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a stylized eye peering through a wall of ones and zeros

Machine learning has pushed the boundaries in several fields, including personalized medicine[1], self-driving cars[2] and customized advertisements[3]. Research has shown, however, that these systems memorize aspects of the data they were trained with in order to learn patterns, which raises concerns for privacy.

In statistics and machine learning,...

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