I won't ignore cancer tests like mum did, says BBC presenter BBC Wales' Lucy Owen on her mum's regrets at taking no notice of bowel cancer test offers....Read more https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c72pygmme34o
Mum ignored test and got cancer says BBC presenter BBC Wales' Lucy Owen on her mum's regrets at taking no notice of bowel cancer test offers....Read more https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c72pygmme34o
Victims infected with Hep C after blood screening began Lawyers tell the BBC people infected after September 1991 should be allowed to claim compensation....Read more https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-68984862
GPS-like system shows promise as HIV vaccine strategy to elicit critical antibodies A team has developed a vaccine approach that works like a GPS, guiding the immune system through the specific steps to make broadly neutralizing antibodies against HIV. Read more …GPS-like system shows promise as HIV vaccine strategy to elicit critical antibodies