Preschool children who struggle to control their emotions and behaviour have more symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder -- known as ADHD -- at age seven, a study suggests. Children aged between three and seven who are slower at acquiring skills to manage their intense emotions were also found to be at risk of displaying more conduct issues. They were also more likely to show internalising behaviours, such as sadness and worries, at age seven, experts say.
Read more …Tantrums in young children could be linked to ADHD, study finds
Researchers have uncovered how different types of brain cells work together to form large-scale functional networks in the human brain -- interconnected systems that support everything from sensory processing to complex decision-making -- paving the way for new insights into brain health and disease.
Read more …Study reveals how cell types shape human brain networks
In a groundbreaking new study scientists have revealed that the widely prescribed Parkinson's disease drug entacapone significantly disrupts the human gut microbiome by inducing iron deficiency. The study, provides new insights into the often-overlooked impact of human-targeted drugs on the microbial communities that play a critical role in human health.
Read more …Parkinson's drug changes the gut microbiome for the worse due to iron deficiency