Despite progress in defining functional elements of noncoding DNA, it is still not fully understood. Researchers, using an experiment that elucidated the function of tens of thousands of noncoding variants, discovered a link between functional mutations and genes linked to cancer pathways, as well as indicators to predict cancer patient survival. Understanding the mutations' influence on mRNA and protein production could shed light on the processes that drive cancer progression and guide advancement of testing tools.
Read more …Mutations in noncoding DNA become functional in some cancer-driving genes
Contrary to previous assumptions, nerve cells in the human neocortex are wired differently than in mice. The study found that human neurons communicate in one direction, while in mice, signals tend to flow in loops. This increases the efficiency and capacity of the human brain to process information. These discoveries could further the development of artificial neural networks.
Read more …When thoughts flow in one direction
The 2010 Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Horizon oil spill, the largest accidental spill in history, released almost 100 million gallons of oil, causing significant pollution. A decade later, its long-term effects remain unclear. A study investigating the impact on endemic fish species found 29 of 78 species unreported in museum collections since the spill, suggesting potential loss of biodiversity.
Read more …Fourteen years after the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, endemic fishes face an uncertain future