Aging is a major risk factor for neurodegenerative diseases, but the molecular mechanisms behind this relationship are not clear. In a recent study, researchers explored the role of PQBP3, a protein that helps stabilize the nuclear membrane, in cellular senescence and neurodegeneration. Their findings suggest that PQBP3 might be a promising therapeutic target for managing neurodegenerative diseases and the neuronal symptoms of aging.
Read more …Unveiling the molecular mechanisms linking aging with neurodegenerative diseases

In a study using human breast cancer cells, scientists say they have potentially identified immune system white blood cells that appear to be the closest neighbors of breast cancer cells that are likely to spread. The researchers say the finding, focused on a white blood cell called a macrophage, may provide a new biological target for immunotherapies designed to destroy spreading cancer cells that are often markers for worsening disease.
Read more …Scientists identify potential new immune system target to head off the spread of breast cancer cells

Researchers have discovered that inflammation in the gut leaves long-term marks on intestinal stem cells (ISCs) that reduce their ability to heal the intestine, even after inflammation has receded. This is important because it affects ISCs' response to future challenges.
Read more …Inflammation leaves a long-lasting impression on intestinal stem cells that reduces their ability...

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