When surgeons perform brain surgery on people with brain tumors or epilepsy, they need to remove the tumor or abnormal tissue while preserving parts of the brain that control language and movement. A new study may better inform doctors' decisions about which brain areas to preserve, thereby improving patients' language function after brain surgery. The study expands the understanding of how language is encoded in the brain and identifies key features of critical sites in the cerebral cortex that work together to produce language.
Read more …Vital language sites in brain act like connectors in a social network

CREME is a virtual laboratory that allows scientists to simulate specific decreases in gene activity. It offers a powerful new tool for identifying and understanding important parts of the genome. And it could one day give scientists who don't have access to real laboratories the power to make breakthrough discoveries.
Read more …CREME AI and CRISPR in tandem

Those mesmerizing blue and orange hues in the sky at the start and end of a sunny day might have an essential role in setting humans' internal clocks. A novel LED light that emits alternating wavelengths of orange and blue outpaced two other light devices in advancing melatonin levels in a small group of study participants. The finding appears to establish a new benchmark in humans' ability to influence their circadian rhythms, and reflects an effective new approach to counteract seasonal affective disorder (SAD).
Read more …Scientists mix sky's splendid hues to reset circadian clocks

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