New York state Sen. Kevin Parker jokes about his meetings being excitingA New York state[1] senator who had to be held back after he allegedly shoved a lobbyist in the Capitol in Albany before a committee meeting on energy and telecommunications will not face charges.

Michael Carey, a lobbyist seeking support for a 911 civil


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Democrat urges Biden, Congress to take urgent action to secure borderPresident Biden may not appear on the ballot in Ohio come Election Day, Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose warned Tuesday.

The Ohio Democratic Party has received weeks of warnings from both LaRose's office and the state legislature saying that Biden is on


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Afghan migrant linked to terror group released on bailA report from the Department of Homeland Security’s[1] inspector general is faulting the government’s parole processes surrounding the resettling of tens of thousands of Afghan evacuees after the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan.

"DHS has a multifaceted but


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Ecohealth Alliance president testifies to CongressThe Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) commenced formal debarment proceedings against Dr. Peter Daszak, the president of EcoHealth Alliance[1] – a firm that used taxpayer funds to conduct gain-of-function research at the Wuhan lab before the


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