'Very High' Risk of CCP Spy Inside Australian Parliament: SenatorShadow Minister for Home Affairs James Paterson warned that the risk of a Chinese spy undermining Australia’s democracy processes is “very high.” This comes after a UK parliament researcher was arrested on suspicions of “spying for China,” and is alleged to have fed information to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) through his position as a researcher for a member of parliament. The suspect, arrested and released on bail in March, is a male Briton in his late twenties who studied and worked in China, according to The Times newspaper. The report said the man had links with senior Conservative MPs, he had high-level security clearance, and had helped shape the UK’s China policy....

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Be Careful of Playing Into Xi's NarrativeCommentary The announcement that Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has accepted an invitation to visit China raises questions about the complex relationships between the two countries. China is one of Australia’s major trading partners, a destination for much of our resources exports without which the economy would be in a more precarious situation. But the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) regime is also a significant threat to the international rules-based order upon which trading nations like Australia are reliant. Under Xi Jinping, the CCP has become increasingly externally aggressive, internally repressive, and bellicose in its nationalism. It threatens not just Taiwan—also a major trading partner of Australia—but many neighbouring nations. Japan, South Korea, the Philippines, Vietnam, and India are just a few of the countries with which Beijing is in dispute....

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Australia-Philippines Ties Undergo 'Watershed' Moment Amid Rising Indo-Pacific TensionsAustralia and the Philippines have become strategic partners following a pivotal meeting between the countries’ leaders on Sept. 8. Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said he was honoured to be able to facilitate the ramp-up in ties, which was a historic moment in relations between the two nations and would see both countries work as partners to maintain a stable region. “Australia and the Philippines enjoy a long-standing relationship based on close cooperation and enriched by the 400,000 Australians with Filipino heritage,” he said. “Today is a watershed moment for relations between Australia and the Philippines. Our Strategic Partnership will facilitate closer cooperation between our countries and contribute to an open, stable and prosperous Indo-Pacific region.”...

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UK Parliament Researcher Arrested Over 'Spying for China' Suspicion: ReportA UK parliamentary researcher with links to senior MPs has been arrested on suspicion of spying for the Chinese regime, a report said on Saturday. The suspect, who was arrested and released on bail in March, is a male Briton in his late twenties who had studied and worked in China, according to The Times of London. The report said the man had links with senior Conservative MPs with high-level security clearances and had helped to shape the UK’s China policy. Another man in his thirties was also arrested and released on bail in the police investigation. The Metropolitan Police said the men were arrested under on suspicion of offenses under section 1 of the Official Secrets Act, 1911....

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