High levels of cancer-causing metals were spotted in fake goods from China. Plus, a list of fake Chinese knockoffs was seized by U.S. customs authorities. Actress Nicole Kidman’s new series gets banned inside Hong Kong, despite being filmed in the city.
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) publishes data that suggest stable economic growth, but some analysts assert that the regime cannot substantiate these numbers. China’s economy is on a downward trajectory, facing challenges such as a real estate crisis, low
WASHINGTON—The Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) forced organ harvesting of faith adherents should be on the U.S. agenda whenever it holds talks with Chinese officials, according to Rep. Ryan Zinke (R-Mont.). Mr. Zinke, who sits on the Congressional-Executive
WASHINGTON—The Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) forced organ harvesting of faith adherents should be on the U.S. agenda whenever it holds talks with Chinese officials, according to Rep. Ryan Zinke (R-Mont.). Mr. Zinke, who sits on the Congressional-Executive