Clinics that offer exosome therapies claim they have the ability to repair and regenerate tissues and treat inflammatory and other immune-related conditions in a noninvasive way. Now, a team of bioethicists and legal scholars is sounding the alarm on the urgent need for stronger regulations surrounding these unproven interventions.
Read more …Experts call for clear and concise regulation of exosome-based treatments

The Clinical Genome Resource (ClinGen), a resource that works to define the clinical relevance of genes and variants, has published data on more than 2,700 genes curated for relevance to genetic diseases, including cancer, cardiovascular disease and neurodevelopmental disorders.
Read more …ClinGen creates a robust, open-access platform to define the clinical relevance of genes and...

A new study reveals that setting reminders can eliminate some age-related declines in memory. The findings offer a significant breakthrough in addressing the cognitive challenges faced by older adults, particularly in the context of prospective memory, which is the ability to remember to perform an intended action at the right moment, like taking medication or attending appointments.
Read more …Reminders can eliminate age-related symptoms of decline in memory

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