A new study has now found that more than half -- 56% -- of the heat-related deaths in the summer of 2022 were related to human-induced climate change. According to the research, 38,154 of the 68,593 heat-related deaths in the summer of 2022 would likely not have occurred without anthropogenic warming.
Read more …More than half of European heat-related deaths in summer 2022 attributed to anthropogenic warming

Propofol is used in the operating room to induce anesthesia. To maintain anesthesia, a continuous infusion of the agent via a separate syringe pump is the standard procedure for total intravenous anesthesia. However, this is not entirely sustainable: propofol produces about 45 percent of the drug waste in the operating room, and a quarter of the agent remains unused. Researchers have now shown that an alternative method reduces the amount of waste.
Read more …Strategy to reduce the amount of propofol waste in the operating room

Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in men, and almost 300,000 individuals are diagnosed with it each year in the U.S. To develop a consistent method of estimating prostate cancer size, which can help clinicians more accurately make informed treatment decisions, researchers trained and validated an AI model based on MRI scans from more than 700 prostate cancer patients. The model was able to identify and demarcate the edges of 85% of the most radiologically aggressive prostate lesions. Tumors with a larger volume, as estimated by the AI model, were associated with a higher risk of treatment failure and metastasis, independent of other factors that are normally used to estimate this risk.
Read more …Using AI to measure prostate cancer lesions could aid diagnosis and treatment

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