Human immune cells are capable of coordinating their own movement more independently than previously thought. Researchers discovered that immune cells do not just passively follow the chemical cues in their environment. Quite the contrary, they can also shape these cues and navigate in complex environments in a self-organized manner.
Read more …Immune cells move more independently than previously thought

An international study tested transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) on 62 patients suffering from consciousness disorders following severe brain injury. These results represent a significant advance in how we care for these patients and will enable us to refine the therapeutic strategies to implement.
Read more …Encouraging new prospects for the treatment of consciousness disorders

Although about half of people go through menopause, less than 15% of them receive effective treatment for their symptoms. Treatment options for people experiencing irritating or severe menopause symptoms are often under researched, and some have questionable efficacy, or cause harmful side effects. Menopause experts now summarize what we know about menopause, call for more research into the timeline and treatment of menopause, and encourage individualized, holistic treatment that addresses both menopausal symptoms and other systemic changes happening in the body.
Read more …Review of over 70 years of menopause science highlights research gaps and calls for individualized...

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