HIV anti-retroviral therapy is considered a treatment and not a cure because patients usually carry a reservoir of HIV-infected cells that can re-emerge if treatment stops. These reservoirs have long been thought to be dormant, but two independent groups of researchers report that a subset of these cells spontaneously produce HIV RNA and proteins that may impact patients' HIV-specific immune responses.
Read more …'Dormant' HIV produces RNA and proteins during anti-retroviral therapy
A new study offers insights into the ways that education, work and motherhood shape the lives of women in the United States. In a longitudinal study of more than 8,100 women, the researchers found seven 'pathways' that illustrate the way major life events can have long-term ripple effects.
Read more …How education, work and motherhood shape women's life 'pathways'
Thousands of people could be spared from a hip fracture each year if a new method to identify the risk of osteoporotic fractures were to be introduced in healthcare. This is the view of the researchers who are behind a new 3D-simulation method.
Read more …New method offers hope of fewer fractures