Women whose Fallopian tubes are removed during sterilization via laparoscopy have only marginally more surgical complications than those whose tubes are simply cut, a study shows. The removal, salpingectomy, is a safe procedure that can help protect against future ovarian cancer, according to a new study.
Read more …Fallopian tubes can be safely removed during sterilization, study suggests
Memory loss, confusion, speech problems Alzheimer s disease is the most common cause of dementia, affecting about 35 million people worldwide, and the number is growing. The protein amyloid beta, which occurs naturally in the brain, plays a central role in the disease: It accumulates in patients in insoluble clumps that form plaques between neurons in the brain, damaging them. Researchers have now shown that, in addition to neurons, special glial cells in the brain also produce amyloid beta. This finding could open up new avenues for future therapies.
Read more …Alzheimer's disease: It's not only neurons