New technology 'lights up' bacteria in wounds for better infection prevention New research suggests there may be a more effective method to detect bacteria during wound debridement. Read more …New technology 'lights up' bacteria in wounds for better infection prevention
Second genetic sensor for DNA methylation discovered CDCA7, whose mutations alter DNA methylation pattern and cause immunodeficiency, is a novel sensor for a special class of methylated DNA. Read more …Second genetic sensor for DNA methylation discovered
New insight into the protein mutations that cause Rett syndrome Findings bolster the idea that the functions of this protein -- MeCP2 -- are more centered on nucleosomes, rather than other forms of DNA. Read more …New insight into the protein mutations that cause Rett syndrome
This new technique for studying cell receptors could have sweeping implications for drug development Researchers created a tool capable of comprehensively mapping crucial interactions underlying drug efficacy in one superfamily of cell receptors. Read more …This new technique for studying cell receptors could have sweeping implications for drug development