Researchers have developed a groundbreaking smartphone app that measures blood pressure using a smartphone's built-in sensors, eliminating the need for traditional cuffs. This technology can make blood pressure monitoring more accessible and convenient, especially for underserved populations. By allowing users to measure their blood pressure anytime and anywhere, the app could revolutionize cardiovascular care and improve early detection of hypertension.
Read more …A new app to 'uncuff' blood pressure monitoring
Healthcare professionals are increasingly giving advice to patients on how to improve their health, but there is often a lack of scientific evidence if this advice is actually beneficial.
Read more …Uncertain if lifestyle advice actually works
Researchers have uncovered the mechanisms that protect the genome from the metabolic toxin formaldehyde in AMeD, a rare congenital disorder of premature aging and myeloid leukemia development. The team used human cells and a new animal model to recapitulate AMeD symptoms and their findings open the door to new therapeutic interventions.
Read more …How do cells deal with Formaldehyde toxicity during growth and aging?