On banners, in the streets, and through cyberspace: people in China are speaking out. For a regime constantly flaunting its “over 90% approval rate,” what does dissent really look like in China—from angry flood victims smashing the walls of state buildings, to a seven-year high in Chinese factory strikes? Faith versus police: a standoff between residents and officers in a Chinese Muslim town. What does the apparent unrest signify for China’s future? Topics in this episode: ‘Wage Hunting’: Unpaid Workers Protest Across China Real Estate Crisis Sparks Protest Across China China’s Iconic Protest: the Blank Paper Movement Rewind: Residents Protest Health Insurance Curbs, Launch China’s ‘White Hair Revolution’ Chinese Banking Scandal Victims Held Rally With Banners Taiwan an ‘Independent Country’: UK Parliament Doc Senate Not Following UK’s Taiwan Statement: Schumer Asean Summit: China’s Sea Standoff with Philippines ‘China’s Economy Is in Big Trouble’: Miles Yu on How to Ensure a U.S. Victory ...
Read more https://www.theepochtimes.com/epochtv/wage-hunting-unpaid-workers-protest-across-china-5488667