Chinese spies, disguised as tourists, have reportedly infiltrated American military bases as many as 100 times. Washington is on high alert, now sounding the alarm over potential espionage threats, as lawmakers raise grave concerns—and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. How exactly does China spy on America? And what disguises do they use to conceal it? Topics in this episode: Chinese ‘Gate-Crashers’ Raise Espionage Concerns Mounting Espionage: How China Spies on the U.S. Raimondo: ‘China Erodes Trusts’ by Hacking Her Email Spy Tactics: Examining Chinese Intel Gathering Methods 932 CCP Members Revealed Inside Gotion Parent Company; Michigan Residents Concerned Over Battery Plant New COVID-19 Variant Appears in China; Country Sees Boosted COVID-19 Rates Kim Jong Un Expects Arms Talks with Putin ‘These Countries Know Totalitarianism’: Graceffo on How China Is Losing Eastern Europe to Taiwan ...
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