A China analyst says Beijing primarily uses three types of media outlets to exert influence overseas and extend control over the Chinese diaspora. He also raised concerns about repeated meetings between Chinese diplomats in Canada and some media outlets that consistently portray the communist regime in a favourable light in their news reporting. Victor Ho, former chief editor of Sing Tao Daily, delineated the three categories of media: overseas branches of Chinese state media, outlets originally from Hong Kong that have succumbed to Beijing’s influence, and overseas media created by Beijing-aligned Chinese groups. “Bringing media leaders and representatives to the consulate signifies that [the meeting is taking place in] an area under Chinese Communist Party (CCP) control,” Mr. Ho said in an interview....Read more https://www.theepochtimes.com/world/beijing-exerts-influence-overseas-through-three-types-of-media-outlets-china-analyst-5480384