If 9/11 were to happen again, it would not take the same form. The United States has evolved, and so have our enemies. When the most significant terrorist attacks on U.S. soil occurred 22 years ago, communications were grounded to a halt. Cell towers were destroyed, and so were switching equipment for landline phones. People formed long lines outside pay phone booths in New York City, hoping to connect with their loved ones. Today, America’s infrastructure has grown robust enough to survive similar attacks as 9/11, but there are new vulnerabilities. “Imagine what is possible if the CCP [Chinese Communist Party] hacks our grid,” House Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-Wash.) asked, referring to the electricity network, during a hearing in July....
Read more https://www.theepochtimes.com/us/22-years-on-is-the-us-ready-for-the-next-big-attack-5489422